Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Concurso para criação do nosso logo.

Concurso para Criação do Logotipo "Café e Cultura Toronto"
O concurso tem a finalidade de definir o Logotipo que melhor consiga expressar a missão do Cafe e Cultura Toronto.
A nossa missão:
O CAFÉ E CULTURA TORONTO é um encontro informal, sem fins lucrativos, cujo objetivo é promover e divulgar a cultura brasileira através de histórias, de experiências, de troca de informações entre aqueles que hoje moram no Canadá.
Através das informações e ampliando relacionamentos, os participantes abrem caminhos, que facilitam a convivência nesse país que os acolheu. Os eventos reúnem as pessoas interessadas num café da manhã com uma palestra, em português, e acontecem na última sexta-feira de cada mês.
A equipe de organizadores, palestrantes, colaboradores trabalha de modo voluntário a fim de proporcionar momentos de lazer, cultura e integração para comunidade brasileira.
O propósito é, antes de tudo, possibilitar o encontro desse grupo de pessoas de forma qualificada e democrática
As palestras são feitas em português e os temas são variados. Neste espaço as pessoas podem divulgar seus trabalhos e fazer comunicados, respeitando o foco cultural.
Entendemos que o melhor do Brasil, das nossas raízes, da nossa identidade, precisa ser partilhado entre nós e com a comunidade canadense, onde escolhemos viver.
O logotipo vencedor será utilizado em todos os materiais que o Café e Cultura Toronto julgar pertinente, como documentos administrativos, site, cartazes, placas, folder e demais materiais informativos e multimídia. 
O criador do logotipo abre mão de todos os direitos relacionados ao logotipo.
O Café e Cultura Toronto colocara os créditos de criação no rodapé da imagem sempre que essa for utilizada.
A participação deste concurso implica em pleno conhecimento deste regulamento.
A participação deve ser individual e pode concorrer com apenas uma proposta.
O concorrente é responsável pela originalidade de seu trabalho, e garante a sua autoria assumindo toda a responsabilidade decorrente de reclamações de terceiros no que diz respeito a direitos de autor, eximindo-se a Comissão organizadora por quaisquer coincidências ou semelhanças que porventura possam existir entre trabalhos concorrentes e obras já existentes. 
As propostas devem ser enviadas para o email e receberão a confirmação de recebimento.
A Comissão Julgadora do concurso será constituída no total de 5 (cinco) pessoas.
A decisão da Comissão Julgadora é soberana e inapelável, não se admitindo recurso.
Os participantes poderão enviar suas propostas no período de 25 de marco ate 15 de abril de 2015.
O resultado do concurso será divulgado na nossa pagina no Facebook,Blog e Twitter no dia 24 de abril de 2015
Equipe Cafe e Cultura Toronto
Organizadoras: Ana Thomas e Maria Tereza Papaleo
WebMarketing: Andrea Auerbach  Vieira
Colaboradora: Adriana Hannickel
Participante: Catarina Matulis

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Save The Date !!!

Save The Date !!!

Vocês ja fizeram sua inscrição para o CAFÉ E CULTURA 
TORONTO no dia 24 de abril? 

Como de costume às 9:30 horas no Loblaws da St. Clair Ave. West. (396 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON )
Nossa palestrante será a estilista Michele Kleinert McGrath, dando dicas de como otimizar seu guarda roupa e muito mais. 

Monday, 16 March 2015

Nova coleção na Pinacoteca de São Paulo!!!

Nova coleção na Pinacoteca de São Paulo

Acordo de comodato prevê o empréstimo de 178 obras da Coleção Roger Wright à Pinacoteca de São Paulo
Instalação do Chelpa Ferro pertencente à Coleção Roger Wright
No próximo dia 16 de março a Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo assina o termo de comodato que empresta a Coleção Roger Wright ao museu da Secretaria da Cultura do Estado de São Paulo. 
A decisão foi tomada por familiares do empresário, morto em acidente aéreo no litoral da Bahia em 2009. 
A coleção conta com mais de 170 obras que representam uma produção brasileira que vai dos anos 1960, como as criadas por Wesley Duke Lee, Lygia Pape, Lygia Clark, entre outros – até um período mais recente, como instalações do grupo multimídia Chelpa Ferro. Graças a ela, um dos pontos mais frágeis da coleção da Pinacoteca, dos concretistas e neo-concretistas até o período contemporâneo, será completado com um acervo de peso.
As obras devem ser exibidas ao público em 2016 em espaço dedicado à coleção, na Estação Pinacoteca.

'O Amor é Estranho' mostra relação madura entre dois homens...

Numa entrevista por telefone, de Nova York, o diretor Ira Sacks e o roteirista Mauricio Zacharias, de O Amor É Estranho, contaram que tiveram a chance, no início de sua parceria, de assistir a dez ou 12 filmes de Yasujiro Ozu, numa retrospectiva dedicada ao grande diretor japonês que se realizava em Nova York. “Foi uma experiência decisiva para ambos”, define Sacks. “A arte de Ozu é feita de modulação, de coisas não ditas e subentendidas. Não posso dizer que houve uma influência específica, mas com certeza estávamos num ‘mood’ que servia ao espírito do nosso filme.”
O Amor É estranho estreou nesta semana, mais de um ano depois de integrar a programação do Festival de Berlim de 2014 (na mostra Panorama). Por suas qualidades, que são muitas, Love Is Strangetalvez tenha sido o filme que faltou no recente Oscar. Poderia ter concorrido nas categorias de filme, direção, atores – no plural. John Lithgow e Alfred Molina formam o par de protagonistas, dois gays de meia-idade que estão juntos há quase 40 anos. Levam uma vida tranquila, estável. E aí sobrevém a tempestade. Ben (Lithgow) e George (Molina) resolvem oficializar sua união quando estão completando 39 anos de vida conjunta.

Old Firehall Confectionery

Já visitaram o Old Firehall Confectionery?

O Chef responsável pela produção dos doces e chocolates é o Sergio Shidomi,que foi nosso palestrante na última edição do Café...
Vamos prestigiar nosso Super Chef?

The Old Firehall Confectionery
170 Main Street
Unionville, ON
L3R 2G9

Phone: 905-415-9192

World's most dangerous footpath set to reopen in Spain!!!

World's most dangerous footpath set to reopen in Spain

Due to reopen March 26, Spain's stunning Caminito del Rey features a cliff face boardwalk that hangs 100 meters above the Guadalhorce River. 
The trail, which begins in the village of El Chorro in southern Malaga province, has been around since the early 1900s, originally built to provide access to two waterfalls for hydroelectric workers. 
Over the years, the boardwalk deteriorated and, following a string of fatal accidents in 1999 and 2000, the government demolished the access points to the walkway. 

Opening just in time for Spain's Holy Week

The reopening, which comes over a year since reconstruction efforts kicked off, coincides with Spain's annual Holy Week celebrations.
    According to the Spanish daily El Pais, the provincial government allocated 5.5 million euros ($5.8 million) to the project. 
    The entire route is 7.7 kilometers long, with boardwalks covering 2.9 kilometers of the trail. 
    The most famous section includes the Balconcillo de los Gaitanes bridge, which spans the Gaitanes Gorge. 
    Tourism officials say it takes between four and five hours to walk the entire route, which includes some steep slopes. 
    Entry will be free for the first six months after the attraction reopens on March 26. 
    Visiting hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. from April 1 to October 31, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. from November 1 to March 31. 
    Those who want to visit need to book a spot on the official website,

    Welcome to aluCine 2015 Quincenañera edition 15th anniversary!

     Welcome to aluCine 2015 Quincenañera edition 15th anniversary!

    The 15th annual edition of aluCine Latin Film + Media Arts Festival will take place in Toronto with a vibrant and festive explosion of Latin American Culture!
    FILMSApril 2th-5th
    FILMS for Children: April 4th
    NOCHE MACABRA FILMS and PARTY: CineCycle April 3rd
    OFF SCREEN EVENTS: April 2th-16th – Exhibitions, performances, panels, & more.
    Jackman Hall AGO,  Theatre Direct/Artscape Wychwood Barns, Cinecycle  and  Beaver Hall Gallery
    This year aluCine will shine its spotlight on our vibrant and diverse  culture showcasing Latin American and Latin Canadian best of contemporary cinema and media arts. aluCine Festival brings highly-anticipated premieres of award-winning international films as well as a diverse showcase of independent work made by Latin-American Directors. This year we are featuring 70+ films with various exhibits followed by artists talk, cocktails at amazing parties!
    The festival will be held from April 2 to April 16, 2015 featuring opening and closing galas, recognized films, programs for adults and children, two contemporary art exhibitions, performances, artist talks, industry panel series and much more!  Come celebrate our 15th birthday this April 2-16! 
    aluCine Cumple 15 años y nos estamos preparando para la gran celebracion!
     ~a la 15va edición del festival de Cine y Artes Mediáticos Latinos, animará Toronto durante 10 dias con una explosión vibrante y festiva de Cultura Hispana! 
    El festival se celebrará del 2 al 16 de Abril 2015 con variados programas.
    Para la 15va edición la calidad de la programación es extraordinaria! Contamos con la participación de artistas de todas partes de Latinoamérica, Canadá y los Estados Unidos,  ofrecemos dos paneles para la industria del cine, cinco charlas con artistas, varios estrenos,  exhibiciones de arte contemporáneo, instalaciones interactivas, +70 películas, coóteles y tres fiestas! 
    Este año aluCine hara énfasis en la diversidad cultural de la región  con interesantes muestras de cine contemporáneo y artes mediáticas.
    Acompáñanos del 2  al 16 de Abril para celebrar aluCine Quinceañera!
    aluCine is organized by Southern Currents / Corrientes del Sur, a Toronto-based, non-for-profit organization dedicated to the development and presentation of contemporary media art by local artists of Latin American heritage; the presentation of international Latino works in Canada; and the presentation of Canadian works in Latin America and elsewhere.

    Monday, 9 March 2015

    Festival de Cinema Luso Brasileiro

    Festival de Cinema Luso Brasileiro
    Luso-Brazilian Film Screenings: Festivals’ Picks @ the Media Commons Theatre
    The Department of Spanish and Portuguese in collaboration with the University of Toronto Libraries would like to invite you to the Luso-Brazilian Film Screenings: Festivals’ Picks that will be held on Thursdays of the month of March at the Media Commons Theatre (Robarts Library, 3rd floor).
    Media Commons Theatre (Robarts Library, 3rd Floor)
    March 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2015
    7:00 pm
    Screening 1 (Mar 5, 2015):

    Found Memories (Histórias que só existem quando lembradas, Brazil, 2011) Directed by Julia Murat
    Each citizen of Jotuomba plays an integral role in village life. Madalena is responsible for baking bread; each morning she stacks her rolls as Antonio prepares the coffee. The two share a morning ritual of arguments and insults, followed by an amicable cup of coffee on the bench outside Antonio's shop. At midday the church bells ring, summoning the villagers to mass. In the early evening, they all share a meal together. And so life proceeds in Jotuomba, the days languidly drifting into one another. The only variations seem to be in the weather. One day Rita arrives looking for a place to stay. She came upon the village while traveling through the valley, following the unused railroad tracks. She is a photographer, intent on capturing the village's special allure. Initially reticent, the townsfolk gradually open up to her, sharing their stories and allowing themselves to be photographed. Rita is comfortable with technologies old and new, and Madalena teaches her to knead dough by the light of an oil lamp. Only the village priest continues to find Rita's presence worrisome, especially when she begins asking about the locked cemetery. It was awarded in several international film festivals, including San Sebastian, Lima, Reykjavik, and Washington DC.
    Introduced by Hudson Moura
    He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Toronto. He teaches Luso-Hispanic literature, culture and cinema. Presently he is working in the post-production of a documentary featuring Brazilian-Canadian dancer Newton Moraes. In addition, he serves as a film programmer and hands-on workshop facilitator in international film festivals in Toronto.
    Screening 2 (Mar 12, 2015):
    Tabu (Portugal, 2012)
    Directed by Miguel Gomes
    A Portuguese explorer making his wistful way through the wilds of Africa, haunted by ghosts and threatened by crocodiles, is a character in a movie that is watched by Pilar (Teresa Madruga), a middle-aged single woman living in modern Lisbon. Her unadventurous, middle-class euro zone existence is melancholy in its own way. Like the explorer, Pilar is filmed in narrow-screen black-and-white, which casts a glow of nostalgic mystery over her everyday dealings with friends and neighbors. She teams up with her deceased neighbor's maid to seek out a man who has a secret connection to her past life as a farm owner at the foothill of Mount Tabu in Africa. It has received many prizes, including two awards at Berlin Film Festival.
    Introduced by João Pedro Vicente Faustino
    He has a Licenciatura degree in Modern Languages and Literatures, specializing in the areas of Portuguese and English, and a post-graduate degree in language and literature teaching, both from the University of Lisbon. He has been visiting lecturer in Portuguese at the universities of Delhi, India, and Granada, Spain. João is interested in the study of Second Language Teaching/Learning and of Contemporary Literature.
    Screening 3 (Mar 19, 2015):
    City of God (Cidade de Deus, Brazil, 2002)
    Directed by Fernando Meirelles
    Cidade de Deus is an overwhelming film about the life of the notorious outer suburb of Rio de Janeiro of the same name, based on a book by Paulo Lins. The streets of the world's most notorious slum are a place where combat photographers fear to tread, police rarely go and residents are lucky if they live to the age of 20. In the midst of the oppressive crime and violence, a frail and scared young boy will grow up to discover that he can view the harsh realities of his surroundings with an artistic eye. In the face of impossible odds, his brave ambition to become a professional photographer becomes a window into his world and ultimately his way out. Nominated for 4 Oscars, including Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.
    Introduced by Abigail Friendly
    She is a planning scholar and urban researcher. She obtained a Ph.D. in Planning from the University of Toronto and a Masters in Global Politics from the London School of Economics. She studies issues of participatory planning and practice, governance and state-society relations, social justice, civil society and urban politics in the context of planning in Brazilian cities. She has lectured on Latin American geographies and given guest lectures on the Brazilian urban context. She has also worked in the public sector and as a consultant on public and urban policy including social housing and urban agriculture, both in Canada and Brazil.
    Screening 4 (Mar 26, 2015):
    Neighboring Sounds (O Som ao Redor, Brazil, 2012)
    Directed by Kléber Mendonça Filho
    Meandering past the residents of a wealthy street in Recife, where private security guards ply their trade, this self-assured debut portrays the two sides of the Brazilian Dream. Filho scratches the varnish of a culture that revolves around paranoia, fear and revenge. In Neighboring Sounds, the director builds soundscapes not with pulverizing sonic waves but with a dog's insistent bark, the faraway chatter of children playing, the sudden crash of cars at an intersection. Rather than a global apocalypse, the events depicted here are little more than a languid handful of days at an affluent block in the northeast city of Recife. Under Mendonça Filho’s wily direction, however, this seemingly low-key stroll through upper-class Brazilian streets and apartments turns out to be just as chocked with anxiety. Won many prizes around the world, including in the festivals of Rotterdam, São Paulo, Manila, Porto and Toronto Film Critics.
    Introduced by Mike Filippov
    He was born in Montreal, raised in Rio de Janeiro and educated in Ontario. He is an all around sound guy. He free-lanced in recording studios, was the technical director of CIUT FM and mixed music at Toronto’s Downtown Jazz Festival before taking on the film business. He currently works as a production sound recordist, post production sound editor/mixer and documentarian.
    All movies are in Portuguese with English subtitles. Each movie will be introduced and contextualized by a specialist and a Q&A session will follow each screening.
    Free Admission
    Admission to this event is free, but please take the time to complete our event registration form:
    Hudson Moura (Department of Spanish & Portuguese) 
    Fabiano Rocha (University of Toronto Libraries) 
    General Consulate of Brazil in Toronto
    For further information regarding this event, please contact or visit for the full program.

    Wednesday, 4 March 2015

    Public art takes over the eastern beaches in Toronto

    Public art takes over the eastern beaches in Toronto

    Posted by Derek Flack / FEBRUARY 17, 2015

    winter stations public art torontoTemperatures dipping down to minus 20 Celsius don't tend to conjure visions of public art exhibits, but that's exactly what was installed this weekend at the eastern Beaches. Winter Stations is the result of a design competition to adapt Toronto's empty lifeguard towers to a more-winter friendly aesthetic and use. 
    The five winners and their teams bundled up and got down to work making their designs come to life on what was the coldest weekend of the year, a few of which were put to use right away. Passers by huddled around a fire, popped inside another installation as a reprieve from the cold, and generally looked bemused at the prospect of winter-themed art on the beaches.

    "drive by shooting" by SILVIJA SAPLYS na Walnut Contemporary Curated by Raquel Vilhena

    A dica cultural de hoje e a exposição: "drive by shooting" by SILVIJA SAPLYS na Walnut Contemporary
    Curated by Raquel Vilhena
    February 28 - March 28
    Wed to Sat from 1 - 6pm or by appointment

    Walnut Contemporary • 201 Niagara Street • Toronto ON • M5V 1C9 • 416-271-6599 •